Located at a distance of only 5 km from Constanţa County, the commune of Cumpăna is part of the metropolitan area of Constanţa. According to the statistics from 2011, the population of the Cumpăna commune is around 12.333 inhabitants, in increase from the last statistics of 2002, when it registered 9.871 inhabitants.
In the last years, at the level of Cumpăna Commune were implemented different projects with the purpose to develop and rise the population level of living. Cumpăna commune has received the recognition of European village for the “St. Mary” Community Centre which include a kindergarten, a ballet school, a village museum, a tele-centre and a training and vocational centre.
The most important implemented projects with local social impact are:
„Multifunctional Centre of Socio-Medical Assistance”
The financial source: POR 2007-2013, DM 3.2.
Project value: 3.583.835, 07 lei
Project status: finished in 2014
In the project “Socio-educational centres in Cumpăna Commune (Constanţa County), Vînători-Neamţ Commune (Neamţ County) and Prundeni Commune (Vâlcea County)”, the Territorial Administrative Unit of Cumpăna Commune has the quality of Promoter with specific responsibilities.