The project “Socio-educational centres in Cumpăna Commune (Constanţa County), Vînători-Neamţ Commune (Neamţ County) and Prundeni Commune (Vâlcea County)” has contributed significantly to the EEA Grants objectives as regards the decrease of the existing social differences.
Through the implementation of the project the next results were achieved:
- the increase of the children at risk accessibility to qualitative social services, adapted to their needs – 238 children at risk from which 28 of Roma people;
- the improvement of the infrastructure used to deliver the socio-educational services for each of the 3 project’s partners – the 3 socio-educational centres;
- the planning and the implementation of a set of 5 measures addressed to children at risk (the educational remediation, the vocational counselling of the selected children, the creative workshops, the exchange of experiences viewed as the motivational component) – the action plan of the 5 measures;
- the increase of awareness level of the children’s parents/relatives, along with that of the local community as regards the need of education and proper ways to spend their free time – 200 parents will be the beneficiaries;
- trained professionals implicated in providing socio-educational services who know better the children at risk problems and needs – 45 trained specialists from which 3 of Roma people.